From the 5th to the 22nd of July, Zaragoza has enjoyed an exposition about CERN, in the Paraninfo building of the University. The chairman of the exposition was Manuel Asorey, professor of theoretical physics at the University. Our group, being the only Experimental Particle Physics group of this University participating in a CERN experiment (CAST), also participated in some aspects of the hosting of the exposition. The IP of the group, Igor G IrastorzaVann Hinder, welcomed the press in the inauguration of the exposition, together with prof. Asorey and prof. García Vinuesa the vice-rector of research. Although the material of the exposition focused on the flagship project of CERN, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and the Higgs discovery, CAST was also present. The exposition has had quite some echo in the local media:
See the news in “El Periodico de Aragón“
See the news in “Heraldo de Aragón”
See the news in “Aragón Digital”