Welcome to the homepage of the T-REX project in the Universidad de Zaragoza!!
T-REX stands for TPCs (Time Projection Chambers) for Rare Event eXperiments. It is an R&D project aiming to develop novel detectors (TPCs) for low background applications in Astroparticle Physics, like the search for Dark Matter, axions or neutrino physics.
Although some first activities along this line were already active in the Group of Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics (GIFNA) of the Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR), this line of research was granted a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) during 2009-2015.
Beyond the ERC project, T-REX represents the transversal developments on low background TPCs at GIFNA/UNIZAR. In this web you will find general information on T-REX and the physics of Rare Events, our research activity including publications and talks in conferences and our outreach activity. The latest information can be found under the News category.
The main spin-off of the T-REX R&D is the TREX-DM experiment, currently in operation at the LSC, looking for low-mass WIMPs. You will find information on this experiment in this web. R&D results of T-REX have also shaped new proposals in the fields of double beta decay, like the PandaX-III experiment, and in axion helioscopes, like the IAXO experiment. The latter has recently attracted an ERC Advanced Grant. Please visit our sister page for the IAXO experiment.
Don’t hesitate to leave us your impression or questions! Enjoy!
This research is partly funded by the European Research Council