
Participation in the Milan Mechanical Ventilator Collaboration (MVM)

The search for dark matter requires an experience in the use of gas systems and complex control systems transferable to the design and construction of medical ventilators.
A consortium of laboratories and universities in Spain, Italy, France, Canada and the United States, made up of more than 150 scientists and engineers, has developed an easy-to-manufacture solution to solve the global shortage, both current and anticipated, of ventilators to treat patients with COVID-19.
In Spain the consortium includes, CIEMAT, the Canfranc Underground Laboratory, the Center for High Energy Astroparticles and Physics (CAPA), the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the Institute of Sanitary Research of Aragon, the Aragón Foundation for Research and Development (ARAID), the Catholic University of Valencia, as well as doctors from Eliance Helicopters, the ICU Service of the General San Jorge Hospital (Huesca) and the Pulmonology Service of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation (Madrid).

More information in the scientific culture unit of UNIZAR, in the press release of the Spanish collaboration and on the MVW project page.