The corrected proof of the article “Preliminary results of ANAIS-25” accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods is available at:
The corrected proof of the article “Preliminary results of ANAIS-25” accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods is available at:
The defence of Clara Cuesta’s PhD dissertation will take place next Friday, May the 10th, in the Sala de Grados of the Science Faculty of the Zaragoza University. The tribunal is composed by José Ángel Villar (UZ), Carlos Muñoz (UAM), Alessandro Bettini (LSC), Fabio Capella (Univ. Roma La Sapienza), Susana Cebrián (UZ).
TAUP 2013 conference will take place in Asilomar, California, USA, from 8 to 13 September.
The ANAIS article “Background model for a NaI (Tl) detector devoted to dark matter searches“ published in Astroparticle Physics, Volume 37, September 2012, Pages 60-69, is among the 25 hottest articles in Astroparticle Physics in the periods from July to September 2012
and from October to December 2012.
Recent progress in ANAIS-0 prototype background understanding has been published in:
Background model for a NaI(Tl) detector devoted to dark matter searches
S. Cebrián et al, Astropart. Phys. 37 (2012) 60