Este viernes 22 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11h, tendrá lugar en la Sala de Grado de la Facultad de Ciencias el acto de defensa de la tesis doctoral de David Cintas González: “New strategies to improve the sensitivity of the ANAIS-112 experiment at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory“, realizada en el CAPA y dirigida por M. Martínez y M.L. Sarsa.
Author Archives: anais
El Cazador de Cerebros visita el experimento ANAIS en el Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc
No te pierdas el episodio INVESTIGANDO EN LOS PIRINEOS en rtve play:
Próxima convocatoria del Gobierno de Aragón de subvenciones para la contratación de personal investigador predoctoral en formación 2023-2027
Si cumples (o vas a cumplir en los próximos meses) los requisitos que dan acceso al programa de doctorado en Física de la Universidad de Zaragoza y deseas realizar una tesis doctoral en el marco del experimento ANAIS, contacta con o para que te informemos y te ayudemos a preparar la solicitud de una subvención del Gobierno de Aragón con este fin.
Todavía no se ha publicado la convocatoria correspondiente, pero se espera que este año aumente considerablemente el número de plazas ofertadas.
“Calibraciones de neutrones en ANAIS-112” @ X Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Física y Química de Aragón
Tamara Pardo Yanguas, @tampardoy, PhD @ANAISexperiment @CAPAUnizar @labsubcanfranc, ha conseguido uno de los premios a las mejores charlas “flash” en la X Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Física y Química de Aragón, celebrada el 14 de diciembre de 2022 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Zaragoza, organizada por @RSEF_Aragon y @RSEQ_Aragon. Tamara presentó las calibraciones de neutrones del experimento ANAIS-112. Enhorabuena Tamara!
Three-year ANAIS-112 dataset available at The Dark Matter Data Center
Access to ANAIS-112 data:
Thanks to the suppport of the DMDC, funded by the ORIGINS excellence cluster, ANAIS provides a JuPyter Notebook with examples of how to plot the data and to run the RooFit macro for fitting the data. Downloading the repository content is possible via GitLab.
The available ANAIS-112 dataset corresponds to the results published in Phys. Rev. D 103 (2021) 102005, that can be accessed:
The DMDC aims at increasing accessibility to scientific process and knowledge, open data and open source software by offering a repository for experimental data, models and code. The Dark Matter Data Center supports data comparison, combination and interpretation using clear and reproducible methodologies, easing the usability of this data, enabling one to make the most out of it.
ANAIS plans to strengthen this collaboration with the Dark Matter Data Center, supporting open science.
El experimento ANAIS en el 2º ciclo de tertulias de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Física de Aragón
Tamara Pardo Yanguas ha contado el trabajo de una estudiante de doctorado en Física Nuclear y de Partículas en las instalaciones del Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc buscando la materia oscura del Universo en los datos del experimento ANAIS.
ANAIS @ the Interdisciplinary Seminars “Parametres for Understanding Uncertainty”
Part 3 of the series of interdisciplinary seminars organized at IFT and designed to put researchers in dialogue is
This seminar will take place at IFT, UAM, Campus Cantoblanco, Madrid, on September 30th, 2022.
Series organised by Rebecca Collins, lecturer of Contemporary Art Theory at the University of Edinburgh and David G Cerdeño, Beatriz Galindo distinguished researcher at the UAM-CSIC Institute of Theoretical Physics. Rebecca Collins is currently an artistic researcher in residence at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Autonomous University of Madrid (2022-2023).
The third session in the series focuses on the role of process within artistic research and scientific experimentation. The pursuit of the unknown, both within the context of particle physics and artistic research, requires infrastructure, imagination, and experimentation.
The verification and reproducibility of results is a crucial aspect of scientific experimentation, yet such methodologies often bring slower returns and less reward than other searches dedicated to uncovering the unknown. Equally, artistic residencies and their set up within the context of interdisciplinary institutions can involve risk, determination and uncertainty. Such qualities are often overlooked in favour of outcomes, data, products, or timed goals. Whilst, in time these might be achieved, can we reconsider the value of methodologies dedicated to uncovering the unknown?
Areas under discussion include: To what extent is artistic practice a way of knowing? What kind of intervention do artistic residencies offer when situated within scientific institutions? What is the role of art and culture in relation to science and technology? In the context of scientific experimentation to what extent should results be reproducible? What role might failure play in relation to figuring out the unknown?
Ariane Koek is an independent producer, curator and writer recognised internationally for her transdisciplinary work in arts, science, technology and in the creation of new residency programmes. In 2009 she initiated the Arts at CERN programme and was the director until 2015.
Maria Luisa Sarsa Sarsa is Professor of atomic, molecular and nuclear physics at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Zaragoza. She is the Principal Investigator of the ANAIS experiment at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory.
LSC 12th Anniversary celebration
The scientific celebration of the new LSC facilities’ 12th Anniversary took place in Canfranc on June 30th 2022.
Sweet celebration with an outstanding program to recognize the hard work of those contributing to the setting-up and growing of the new LSC. Congratulations!
ANAIS-112 has completed five-years of data taking in August 2022
ANAIS-112 has completed five years of data taking in August 2022 with an excellent duty cycle. Sensitivity prospects point at more than 4 standard deviation sensitivity to DAMA/LIBRA result on annual modulation. Analysis of data is in progress. Two more years of data taking have been scheduled to reach five sigma sensitivity.
Reanalysis of the first three years showed no modulation in the data, being the result incompatible with DAMA/LIBRA with statistical confidence of 3 standard deviation. See:
Recent news on the status of the testing of DAMA/LIBRA puzzle can be found in Nature News, August 16, 2022 by Davide Castelvecchi:
ANAIS-112 preliminary results presented at IDM2022 conference in Vienna
DAMA/LIBRA result has been tested with 3 standard deviation sensitivity for the first time using the same target and technique. ANAIS-112 has reanalysed the three-years data by applying a new Boosted Decision Tree filtering which has increased the sensitivity. No modulation is observed. The publication is in preparation.