A37D3 set-up at LSC

From 7 to 9 March 2016,  a new AS module (D3) has been set-up at LSC Hall B in ANAIS37 shielding. New data will be available soon.

Great expectations about background level!


Dark Matter 2016: From the smallest to the largest scales

Workshop on “Dark Matter 2016: From the smallest to the largest scales”
(June 27 – July 1, 2016 – Santander, Spain)

The “Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria”, IFCA (CSIC-UC) will host a Workshop on Dark Matter searches in Santander, Spain.

The theme of the workshop is dark matter studies targeting to a multidisciplinary audience. The focus will cover theoretical aspects as well as experimental ones both from the particle physics and astrophysical points of view. The dates of the conference are June 27th – July 1st (2016) and the aim is to gather a group of 50-70 experts actively working in the field.

The daily program is comprised of invited talks at the beginning of morning and afternoon sessions, contributions on specific topics of interest, and relevant discussions. It also includes a poster session and social activities. All sessions are plenaries.

Details of the 2016 Santander Dark Matter Workshop can be found at:

The abstract submission deadline is April 15, 2016. The abstracts will be reviewed by the SOC for its final acceptance.

Early registration deadlines is May 15, 2016. Details can be found in the web site.

MA Oliván PhD defense

The defense of Miguel Ángel Oliván’s PhD dissertation will take place on Monday, January the 25th, 2016, in the Salón de Actos of the building B at the Science Faculty of the Zaragoza University.
The tribunal is composed by Fernando Arqueros (UCM), M.L. Sarsa (UZ), and María Martínez (La Sapienza Univ.).

LSC en la prensa

El LSC y sus experimentos han aparecido en El Mundo. Interesante artículo. Aunque no nos mencionen directamente, ANAIS es uno de los experimentos que allí operan…
