TREX-DM approved by LSC scientific committee

In its last meeting on 2-3 December, the scientific committee of the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc has approved the experiment proposal of TREX-DM. The detector is already built in the Universidad de Zaragoza, and would be practically ready to be moved underground. Shielding, gas system and other ancillary systems must be built. The risk analysis study, installation and commissioning of the experiment is foreseen to happen in the coming months, moving the project to the point of data taking by the end of 2017.


The decision has had quite an impact on the local media. See the press release of the Universidad de Zaragoza, as well as in CPAN. Articles in newspapers Heraldo de Aragón, El Periodico de Aragón, Expansión, Aragón Universidad, Aragón Digital, ABC, among others, have appeared, as well as interviews in several radios (Aragon Radio, Radio Ebro,…) and a local TV:



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